Department Staff

Department Staff

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PhD students

Participants in scientific projects


Office/technical staff

Andrzej Czyżewski, Prof., DSc, Eng.

Andrzej Czyżewski, Prof., DSc, Eng. Full Professor,
Head of the Multimedia Systems Department


Professor dr hab. Eng. Andrzej Czyżewski defended his doctoral thesis with distinction on the subject of digital sound at the Faculty of Electronics of Gdańsk University of Technology in 1987. In 1992 he presented his habilitation thesis, then in 1999 received the title of professor from the President of the Republic of Poland. In 2003, the Minister of Education appointed him a full professor at the Gdańsk University of Technology. From 1991 he managed the research and didactic department at the Gdańsk University of Technology, which in 1997 was transformed into the Department of Sound Engineering, and in 2003 into the Department of Multimedia Systems. Since 2000, he has been awarded the Fellow title by the international scientific society, namely the Audio Engineering Society.

His scientific interests focus on topics related to multimedia techniques and their numerous interdisciplinary applications, including in audiology, speech therapy and otolaryngology, neurology, biometrics, computerization of roads, telemonitoring of the environment and infrastructure. To date, he has managed over 30 national projects and 7 EU projects (in the scope of PG tasks). The inventions and implementations that he created in the team he managed received many prestigious national and foreign awards, including in 2007 he received the Scientific Award of the City of Gdańsk Jan Heweliusz, considered the highest distinction for the scientist of the Gdańsk Land. He is the winner of the awards of the Minister of Science and Higher Education and twice the First Prize of the Prime Minister for research and implementation achievements (2000 and 2014). He was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Rebirth of Poland, in 2018 the Officer's Cross of the Order of Rebirth of Poland, as well as the Knight's Cross of the European Order of Invention. In 2015, the invention of "CyberEye" developed under his guidance was awarded the "Teraz Polska" promotional emblem and was awarded the prestigious international Prix Galien award. In 2018, Gdańsk entrepreneurs honored him with the "Primum Cooperatio" award, while the Mayor of Gdańsk awarded the Medal of the 100th Anniversary of Independence.

He heads the Gdańsk University of Technology specializing in engineering: "Multimedia technologies" and MSc.: "Sound and image engineering". He cooperates with, among others with the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, with the Medical University of Gdańsk and with corporations such as Intel and Samsung, with the PKO BP Bank, with the General Directorate of National Roads and Mororways and with many smaller enterprises in which he implements inventions and innovations being developed. He is the author of over 600 scientific publications (including 3 monographs) and nearly 30 patents. He has so far promoted 13 doctors and over 300 masters of science and engineers.

Józef Kotus, DSc, Eng.

Józef Kotus, PhD, Eng. Professor


Józef Kotus graduated from the Faculty of Electronics Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology in 2001. In 2008 he completed his PhD under the supervision of prof. Bożena Kostek. His PhD work concerned issues connected with application of information technology to the noise monitoring and prevention of the noise-induced hearing loss. He is a member of the Audio Engineering Society (AES) and European Acoustics Association (EAA). He is an author and co-author of more than 110 scientific publications, including 13 articles from the ISI Master Journal List and 27 articles in the reviewed papers. Also four chapters co-authored by him were published by Springer. He has an extensive experience in sound and image processing algorithms and noise measurements and noise control techniques as well. Moreover, he participated in many national and European research projects.

Mariusz Mróz, DSc

Mariusz Mróz Professor


Conductor of the Academic Choir of Gdańsk University of Technology. He is an organizer of musical life at the Gdańsk University of Technology (symphonic, oratorio and chamber concerts, national and international choral festivals). In 2000-2012 he was president of the Gdańsk branch of the Polish Association of Choirs and Orchestras, as well as a member of the Main Board of the Polish Association of Choirs and Orchestras in Warsaw. He is a laureate of the National Conductors' Competition in Poznań (1990) and a participant in the Master Course for Conductors in Bruges (Belgium 1991). He also fulfills the role of pedagogue and symphonic conductor by leading the orchestra of the Second-Level Music School in Gdańsk. He has given concerts on many national and international stages (Norway, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, Mexico, Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuania, Russia, Czech Republic, Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Netherlands, Hungary, Macedonia).

Artistic and academic interests: church music, baroque music, contemporary music and sociology of music.

Sample titles of oratorial works:

  • Johann Sebastian Bach: Magnificat
  • Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 9
  • Wojciech Kilar: Missa Pro Pace
  • Franz Liszt: Christus
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Davide Penitente
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Requiem in D minor
  • Carl Orff: Carmina Burana
  • Ariel Ramírez: Misa Criolla
  • Karol Szymanowski: Stabat Mater

With the Academic Choir of Gdańsk University of Technology, he has prepared more than 120 oratorio titles, of which he has personally led 75 concerts as conductor.

He took part in 35 domestic and 25 foreign choral competitions and festivals at which he received a total of 55 awards and honors (3 Grand Prix, 3 awards for best conductor of the festival, 11 first places, 13 gold diplomas).

He has prepared theater and opera performances, including:

  • J. K. Pawluśkiewicz: „Nieszpory Ludźmierskie” (“Ludźmierskie Vespers”), directed by Robert Gliński
  • J. Bock: „Fiddler on the Roof”, directed by J. Gruza, J. Szurmiej
  • C. M. Schönberg: „Les Misérables”, directed by J. Gruza
  • L. Bernstein: „West Side Story”, directed by T. Dutkiewicz
  • P. Tchaikovsky: „Eugene Onegin”
  • C. W. Gluck: „Orpheus and Eurydice”

He was awarded the GLORA ARTIS bronze medal for his artistic and teaching achievements.

He is the author of many publications on Orthodox music, a speaker at conferences.

Piotr Szczuko, DSc, Eng.

Piotr Szczuko, DSc, Eng. Professor


Piotr Szczuko received his MSc. degree in 2002. His thesis was dedicated to examination of correlation phenomena between perception of sound and vision for surround sound and digital image. He finished PhD studies in 2007 and one year later completed a dissertation "Application of Fuzzy Rules in Computer Character Animation" that received award of Prime Minister of Poland. In 2020, he received his DSc degree.

His interests include processing of audio and video, computer animation, 3D visualization, inference methods, artificial intelligence, applications of rough sets theory, classification and perception of sound and image, algorithms and methods of image analysis and understanding, applications of embedded systems.

Since 2007 he is main specialist in domestic and international research and development projects (INDECT, ADDPRIV, COPCAMS), devoted to audio and video processing for automatic detection of threats by intelligent surveillance systems.

He is an author and co-author of over 80 papers, book chapters, and articles, and co-author of awarded innovative solutions "Electronic Aids for Laryngectomees", and “Remote acoustic and visual observation system".

P. Szczuko prepares and lectures courses of "Intelligent Decision Systems", "Artificial Intelligence in Medicine", "Sound and Image Processing", "Telemonitoring of Objects and Agglomerations" and "Audio Forensics and Image Analysis" and supervising Bachelors and Masters thesis and student projects.

Grzegorz Szwoch, DSc, Eng.

Grzegorz Szwoch, DSc, Eng. Professor



Home page

Grzegorz Szwoch was born in 1972 in Gdansk. In 1991-1996 he studied at the Technical University of Gdansk. In 1996 he graduated as a student from the Sound Engineering Department. His thesis was related to physical modeling of musical instruments. Since that time he has been a member of the research staff at the Multimedia Systems Department as a PhD student (1996-2001), Assistant (2001-2004), Assistant professor (2004-2020) and Professor (since 2020). The subject of his PhD thesis (2004) was Computer modeling of the hearing aid acoustic system. In 2020, he received his DSc degree for the achievement entitled Applications of signal and image processing methods in analysis of data from audiovisual monitoring systems.

The main subject of his research is analysis and processing of audiovisual data, as well as infocommunications systems. He participated and still participates in scientific projects (European and Polish) related to these topics. His main scientific interests include programming (Python, C++ and scripting languages), analysis and processing of audio and video, synthesis of musical sounds, 3D computer graphics and computer technologies in general. His personal interests include music, computer games, programming and public transport.

Grzegorz Szwoch is the author and the lecturer of courses on Electronic musical instruments, Image synthesis, Studio measurements and Applications of digital signal processors. He is also an administrator of the department's server and computer network, and also of this web page.

Piotr Odya, PhD, Eng.

Piotr Odya, PhD, Eng. Assistant Professor, Head of Department Labs


Piotr Odya was born in Gdansk in 1974. He received his MSc. in 1999 from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. His thesis was related to the problem of sound quality improvement in the contemporary broadcasting studio. He is interested in video editing and multichannel sound systems. The goal of Mr. Odya PhD thesis concerned methods and algorithms for correcting stuttering. In 2007 Piotr Odya received his PhD At present, he works at the Multimedia Systems Department as an Assistant professor.

His research focuses on audio signals processing, auditory-visual signals perception and telemedicine. He is also interested in video compression algorithms and multichannel sound systems. Piotr Odya is an author and co-author of over 70 papers.

From 2007 to 2009 he coordinated a project called "MULTIMODAL". From 2009 to 2014 Piotr Odya coordinated a project called "TYPOSZEREG". The aim of these two project was to develop new kinds of multimodal interfaces.

From 1999 to 2001 Piotr Odya was the chairman of the AES Polish Student Section. From 2001 to 2005 he was the treasurer of the AES PSS.

Piotr Odya is the webmaster of the Multimedia Systems Department website (including Telewelfare portal).

Sebastian Cygert, PhD, Eng.

Sebastian Cygert Assistant Professor


Home page

Sebastian Cygert was born in Gdansk, 1989. He recevied engireeing degree from Warsaw Military Universtity of Technology, in cryptology. MSc. degree was received from Warsaw Universtity of Technology, on Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. The thesis subject was Usage of GPUs in computer simulation of heavy ion nuclei. He gained corporate experience as software developer in Samsung, Warsaw and in RiskFirst, London working on financial models. He is interested in artificial intelligence, traveling, music and sport.

Arkadiusz Harasimiuk, PhD, Eng.

Arkadiusz Harasimiuk, PhD, Eng. Assistant Professor


Arkadiusz Harasimiuk graduated from Maritime Electronics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Maritime University (currently Maritime University) in 1992, earning the title of Master of Science in Engineering. In 2013, he defended his doctoral dissertation at the University of Gdańsk. His dissertation concerned reference models for SOA and BPM applications in financial services. He has over 20 years of experience in implementing IT projects in the area of telecommunications and banking. In 2020, he joined the team responsible for the implementation of the BIOPUAP project at the Multimedia Systems Department.

His interests include IoT solutions in both industrial solutions, smart home and smart city, the use of IoT data for data analysis. He is also interested in sound and video systems. In his free time he is interested in motorization, diving and music.

Michał Jankowski, PhD

Michał Jankowski, PhD Brain and Mind Electrophysiology Laboratory

Dr. Maciej M. Jankowski earned his Master's degree (2006) and Ph.D. (2011) in Biological Sciences, specializing in Animal Physiology, from the University of Gdańsk. In 2012, he began his postdoctoral training at the Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience (TCIN) in Dublin, studying the neuronal correlates of spatial navigation in Professor Shane O’Mara’s laboratory. In 2014, he commenced his second postdoctoral training at the Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC) at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. There, in Professor Israel Nelken's laboratory, he focused on auditory neuroscience, investigating the context-dependent neuronal representation of sounds in the mammalian brain. Since 2019, he has been a Research Associate at ELSC, continuing his research in auditory neuroscience in Professor Israel Nelken’s laboratory. In November 2023, Dr. Jankowski began leading a project funded by the National Science Center at the Technical University of Gdańsk. Conducted in collaboration with Dr. Michał Kucewicz, the project aims to develop effective methods and strategies for improving memory through electrical brain stimulation and to investigate the electrophysiological mechanisms underlying it.

Michał Kucewicz, PhD

Michał Kucewicz, PhD Head of the Brain and Mind Electrophysiology Laboratory


Michal Kucewicz was born in 1986 in Gdansk. In 2005 he completed International Baccalaureate programme in Topolowka (III High School in Gdańsk). Thanks to the G. D. Fahrenheit scholarship, he moved to the United Kingdom to study neuroscience. He received his Bacholer's and Master's degree from the Cambridge University, and his doctoral degree from the University of Bristol specializing in electrophysiology of memory and cognitive functions of the brain. His doctoral thesis described weas focused on the mechanisms of working memory as studied on the level of electrical activity of neuronal networks. Following the doctoral studies he continued the research on memory at Mayo Clinic in the USA working with invasive recordings in epilepsy patients. His projects develop technology for electrical stimulation of the brain for memory enhancement in patients suffering from epilepsy, Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. The goal of his research is to discover the mechanisms of human memory and mind.

The passion of his life is evangelization.

Adam Kurowski, PhD., Eng.

Adam Kurowski Assistant Professor


Adam Kurowski was born in 1991 in Gdansk. In 2015 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at Gdansk University of Technology acquiring MSc. degree. The subject of his B.Sc thesis was implementation and evaluation of performance of a virtual bass synthesis algorithm for small electroacoustic transducers. His MSc. Thesis was associated with sound intensity measurement of an acoustic field distribution in the proximity of the human head and the numerical simulation of observed phenomena.

His scientific interests concern the issues of the design and implementation of the digital acoustic signal processing and modern metods of the numerical simulation in acoustics.

His other interests include artistic drawing, graphic art, composition and production of electronic music.

Karolina Marciniuk, PhD, Eng.

Karolina Marciniuk, PhD, Eng. Assistant Professor

Karolina Marciniuk was born in Wejherowo in 1988. In 2013 she graduated from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. The subject of her MSc. Eng. thesis was related to the dynamic noise map of the selected area of the city of Gdansk. In 2019, she completed her doctoral dissertation on the acoustic analysis of road traffic. Her research interests are focused on room acoustics, signal processing and video production.

Between 2016 and 2018 she worked in the INPREDO project. Currently, she is a supervisor of the Sound and Image Engineering Student Chapter and works in the INZNAK project.

In her free time she takes photos, run or sail.

Bartłomiej Mróz, PhD, Eng.

Bartłomiej Mróz Assistant Professor


ORCID: 0000-0002-8983-9050

ResearchGate profile

Bartłomiej Mróz graduated with honors from Gdańsk University of Technology in 2017, earning a master's degree in engineering. During his studies, he participated twice in the Erasmus+ program, both for engineering and master's studies, at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and Graz University of Technology (Austria), respectively. In Austria, he conducted research under Prof. Franz Zotter of the Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) on ambisonics and binaural sound. He then undertook doctoral studies at Gdańsk University of Technology, taking part in the InterPhD2 project. In 2023, he defended with distinction his dissertation entitled "Spatial audio for networked music performances." He is further developing his research on immersive audio through an IDUB Argentum grant awarded in 2024. His expertise in spatial audio has led to collaborations with various institutions, such as Audio Brewers and Zylia, or the Department of Acoustics the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, which resulted in many experiments and projects.
In addition, since the beginning of his studies, he has been associated with the Academic Choir of Gdańsk University of Technology, where he has been involved in recording production since 2017. Among his greatest recording successes are: 1st place at the NTAV 2022 recording competition, and honorable mention at the immersive sound production competition S3DAPC 2023.

Daniel Węsierski, Ph.D, Eng.

dr inż. Daniel Węsierski Assistant Professor


Daniel Węsierski received his MSc. in Automation and Robotics in 2007 from the Gdansk University of Technology. He gained corporate experience in R&D departments of ThyssenKrupp in Bremen and of Volkswagen in Wolfsburg in 2005-2009. He received his PhD in Computer Science from Telecom SudParis in 2013 under the supervision of Patrick Horain.

His interests lie in computer vision, with emphasis on visual object tracking.


Wanda Ludwikowska, MSc., Eng.

mgr inż. Wanda Ludwikowska Assistant


Wanda Ludwikowska was born in 1997 in Pasłęk. She graduated from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics in Multimedia Systems Department in 2021, obtaining MSc degree. The subject of her MSc thesis was related to the acoustic measurements and simulations of a medieval church. Her scientific interests are focused on room acoustics, acoustic simulations and audio mixing. Other interests are, broadly defined, music, arts and history.

Szymon Zaporowski, MSc., Eng.

mgr inż. Szymon Zaporowski Assistant


Szymon Zaporowski was born in Gdańsk in 1992. In 2017 he received MSc degree in Electronics and Telecommunication form Gdańsk University of Technology, specialization Sound and Vision Engineering. His B.Sc thesis was about creating Guitar effects processor for Android devices. Subject of MSc thesis was creating waveguide VST string synthesizer. In 2017 he receive silver medal award in Student Design Competition at 142nd AES convention in Berlin for System for rapid prototyping of acoustic diffusers.

His scientific interests include issues connected with speech processing, machine learning, digital sound synthesis, image processing and different fields of acoustics.

His other interests are music, playing on the instruments, literature and history, especially history of Gdańsk city.

Marina Galanina, MSc., Eng.

Marina Galanina PhD student


Marina was born in 2001. In recognition of her academic achievements, she was awarded a scholarship by NAWA (National Agency for Academic Exchange). NAWA grants scholarships to international students based on annually announced programs, and the selection process involves rigorous tests and evaluations. In 2019, Marina was admitted to the Gdansk University of Technology, where she embarked on a journey towards academic excellence. Her hard work culminated in the successful completion of her master studies in 2024, with the submission of an insightful thesis Opracowanie systemu dwujęzycznej automatycznej transkrypcji mowy do analizy korelacji pomiędzy wynikami intrakranialnego sygnału EEG a funkcjami poznawczymi u pacjentów z epilepsją. Currently, she is pursuing further academic endeavors by studying informatyka techniczna i telekomunikacja as PHD at the Gdansk University of Technology. She is actively engaged in cutting-edge research, particularly in neuroscience. Marina is a valued member of Brain and Mind Lab, showcasing her commitment to advancing the field of AI.

Franciszek Górski, MSc., Eng.

mgr inż. Franciszek Górski PhD student


Franciszek Górski graduated from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of Technology in 2023 with a Master of Science degree in Computer Science, with a specialization in Machine Learning. The topic of his master's thesis was the use of machine learning algorithms, including convolutional networks, for the classification of cancer data collected using the liquid biopsy method.

During his studies, he became involved in research projects, working in the Department of Multimedia Systems on the development of models for biometric verification of users, as well as collaborating with the Center for Biostatistics and Bioinformatics at the Medical University of Gdańsk, conducting research from the application of machine learning algorithms for cancer detection in data collected using the liquid biopsy method. The results of both of these works have been published in respected scientific journals.

Winner of the Prof. Romuald Szczęsny Main Prize for the best master's thesis, awarded in 2024.

In 2023, he began his training at the Doctoral School of the Gdańsk University of Technology, conducting research on the development of systems that combine expert knowledge and natural language processing capabilities of large language models.

His non-professional interests include basketball, hiking and mountain climbing, and literature.

mgr inż. Paweł Tumialis

Paweł Tumialis PhD Student

Paweł Tumialis is a graduate of master's studies in Biomedical Engineering - specialization Artificial Intelligence, at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Science of the Gdańsk University of Technology. In his diploma thesis, he dealt with the subject of converting audio signals into impulses for neuromorphic systems. He obtained his engineering degree in the field of: Automation, Cybernetics and Robotics at the same faculty. He continues his further education at the Doctoral School in the Department of Multimedia Systems.

During his studies, he became interested in the field of biotechnology and cooperates with the scientific club at the Faculty of Biotechnology of the University of Gdańsk and the Medical University of Gdańsk. Apart from his scientific activity, Paweł is an active member of the Gdańsk Academic Orchestra. He plays the euphonium and trumpet. He participated in the Startup School One program run by the Excento company. He takes part in AI meetings, e.g. PyData and hackathons. He is interested in music, modeling, computer graphics and psychology.

Sameer Bhat

Sameer Bhat PhD student

Sameer is a graduate in Computer Science. He graduated from the University of Kashmir in India. Previously, he was employed with the King Saud University in Saudi Arabia and Universities in Kuwait. Currently, he is pursuing the doctoral degree with Gdansk University of Technology in Poland. He has published research in various international journals and conferences, and he is interested in doing research covering areas of – AI and Machine Learning, Biometrics, Sustainable Development, E-heath and E-Learning, Embedded Systems and Internet-of-Things, Wireless Communications, Smart Grid, Wireless Power Transfer Systems, Educational Technology and Instructional Design, and Human–Computer Interaction.

Kashif Shaheed

Kashif Shaheed PhD student

Kashif Shaheed was born on 1994 in Latamber Karak, KPK Pakistan. In 2019 he received his Master Degree in Computer and Technology from School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University, Shandong P.R. China. His master thesis was about developing a quality assessment and enhancement algorithm for biometric finger vein recognition system using conventional and machine learning method. His thesis entitled: A Hybrid Proposed Image Quality Assessment and Enhancement Framework for Finger Vein Recognition.

His scientific research interest focus on around machine learning, deep learning, image analysis and biometric finger vein technology. Other interest includes photography, making videos, like to play different sports, walking and listening music.

Ravindra Sahu

Ravindra Sahu Student of Brain and Mind Electrophysiology Laboratory

Ravindra Sahu holds a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Technology from India. His research journey began at the Center for Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences in Action Lab at the University of Allahabad, India, where he explored the underlying neural mechanism for coordinating eye-hand movements with Dr. Supriyo Ray. This sparked his interest in the field of neuroscience. Later, at the Medical Intelligence and Language Engineering Lab in the Indian Institute of Science, he contributed to a study focused on decoding speech imagery in individuals with post-stroke aphasia using EEG under Prof. A.G. Ramakrishnan. Currently pursuing a Master's in Informatics, he is actively engaged in a research project aimed at improving memory with electrical stimulation of the anterior thalamic nuclei under the guidance of Dr. Maciej M. Jankowski and Dr. Michal Kucewicz. He's dedicated to advancing our understanding of the brain and mind.

Sahar Seifzadeh

Sahar Seifzadeh PhD student

Sahar Seifzadeh was born in Shiraz, Iran, and has a background in artificial intelligence, with her primary interests focused on neuroscience. With over six years of experience in cognitive neuroscience, her research has explored key areas such as motor imagery, decision-making and attention. She is also deeply passionate about clinical neuroscience, particularly in applying audiovisual techniques to reduce anxiety. Over the past four years, her work has concentrated on investigating the cognitive, neurological, and physiological effects of ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response), with a specific interest in different languages and audiovisual modes.

In 2019, she was awarded the prestigious Young Brain Researcher Award from the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), along with a full scholarship to join the Neuroimaging Research Lab (COCOAN) at SKKU University in Suwon, South Korea, where she conducted research under the mentorship of Dr. Choong-Wan Woo.

Currently, she is pursuing her Ph.D. at Gdańsk University of Technology under the supervision of Prof. Bożena Kostek. She is particularly interested in engaging in international research collaborations to further advance her work in neuroscience. Outside of her scientific pursuits, she enjoys spirituality, animal care, nostalgic music, fashion and painting.

Paweł Spaleniak, MSc, Eng.

Paweł Spaleniak, MSc, Eng. Specialist


Paweł Spaleniak was born in 1987 in Gdynia. In 2011 he graduated from Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics in the Multimedia Systems Department, obtaining a master's degree in engineering. The aim of his thesis develop software capable to automatically analyze the level of emitted commercials.

His interests include audio and image analysis and processing using C++ language. He is a graphic designer, mainly for web applications. Moreover, he is interested in room acoustics, as well as audio recording, mixing and mastering.

Andrzej Sroczyński, PhD., Eng.

Andrzej Sroczyński Specialist

Andrzej Sroczyński graduated from the Faculty of Electronics at the Gdańsk University of Technology in 1982 with a MSc degree in engineering. He has many years of experience in the field of design and constructing electronic systems and devices with a wide range of applications. As part of the cooperation with the Department of Multimedia Systems, he participated in the projects IDENT, INUSER, BIOPUAP. His interests include broadly understood IoT solutions, control systems, computer techniques and analog acoustic systems. In his spare time, he is interested in philosophy, physics, cosmology, music and alpine tourism.

Maciej Szczodrak, Ph.D, Eng.

Maciej Szczodrak, PhD, Eng. Specialist


Maciej Szczodrak was born in Gdynia, Poland. He received his MSc. degree from the Gdansk University of Technology in 2006. His thesis concerned implementation of algorithms for open air sound propagation analysis.

He is interested in audio and video processing, environmental acoustics. He is also concerned about programming.

Tomasz Śmiałkowski, PhD., Eng.

Tomasz Śmiałkowski Specialist


Tomasz Śmiałkowski graduated from the Faculty of Electronics at the Gdańsk University of Technology in 1984, obtaining the title of Master of Science. He started his professional career as a constructor at the Telecommunications Institute. Then, for a number of companies, he carried out projects in the field of telecommunications, automation, IT systems and electronic devices. He was a programmer, designer, project manager, head of research and development teams. He was a co-founder of INFO-LEX - the first full-text database of Polish law. He specializes in remote management systems, telecommunications protocols, the Internet of Things, and embedded systems.

Marta Zielonka, MSc., Eng.

Tomasz Śmiałkowski Specialist


Marta Zielonka is a data analyst specializing in Artificial Intelligence, with a Master's degree from the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Informatics (2023). Since graduating, she has been working as a data analyst at a corporate branch in Gdańsk while actively collaborating with the Department of Multimedia Systems at Gdańsk University of Technology. Marta has already contributed to the field through three scientific articles and a conference publication. She is also involved in the ADMEDVOICE project, which focuses on developing an intelligent system for medical documentation in Polish using voice dictation and automatic form generation powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP).

Kris Górski

Kris Górski Associate


Born in Poznan/Poland he begun his music education with piano at the age of 7, and continued through his years in college in England. After obtaining his diploma in Audio Engineering from SAE Paris, he engaged in 12 years of intensive studio work for independent artists, labels and TV stations. A few years into his sound engineering career he begun writing music for films which proved to be an ongoing passion and an important part of his work. He has since also become a song writer.

In 2006 he co-founded APS - a company with focus on manufacturing high quality active studio monitors. Presently, Kris lives in Poland, helping in the running of APS and his own production company AudioPlanet, while continuing his music production and composing career.

All throughout his career Kris gave a lot of importance to education. He has been giving workshops to young people for the last 18 years and has recently started working with students and staff from Gdansk University of Technology. He has also worked as a consultant on a number of projects on studio construction.

Some of his other interests are education, psychology and motorcycling.

Piotr Pastwa

Piotr Pastwa Associate

Instrumentalist, music enthusiast, creator and recording engineer with nearly 20 years of experience gained from numerous recording sessions across Poland. For over a decade, he has been collaborating with the recording studio of the Multimedia Systems Department at the ETI Faculty. Among his notable projects, he worked with Jakub Bąk and Paweł Wysocki on producing the album for the band Soma White. The release earned acclaim for its exceptional production quality and innovative approach to the genre. The album's final touch was given by Andy Jackson, a renowned mastering engineer celebrated for his work with Pink Floyd and David Gilmour.

Olga Szmit, MSc., Eng.

Olga Szmit Secretary


Olga Szmit received her MSc. degree from Chemical Technology, Gdansk University of Technology. In 2014 she also graduated from University of Business and Administration, Ecoenergetic: Administration of renewable energy sources.

She gained project administration experience during realization of many projects, e.g. Basic technology of producing cover shields form modified ballistic gel.

Daniel Wiśniewski

Daniel Wiśniewski Technician


Daniel Wiśniewski was born in 1993. He has over five years of experience as a sound and light master in the theatre and FOH engineer at concerts, conferences and outdoor events. He began studying Electrotechnics at the Gdańsk University of Technology in 2018. His interests are: new technologies, IT news, automotive and diving.